Sunday, April 6, 2014

Trip to West Baray, Siem Reap

The CDO kids were heading off for a swim in West Baray lake. As usual, when so many cannot swim, they were looking for helpers to make sure no one drowned (and to help pay for the fruit). We had to leave a little early so this time we followed the truck on our moto.

West Baray is a man made lake just out of Siem Reap. West Baray was probably made in the 11'th century and people think that it served as a reservoir for the area (though some say it may have been a swimming pool for a king). It is massive about 8 by 2 km.

Once we got there, we negotiated the price of a seating area and then the kids ran towards the water.

Nicole was teaching some of the kids how to float.

The boys wanted Stan to throw them up into the air. You can see Stan's tan is half Australian and half Cambodian.

Nicole eventually had a break and was able to relax for five minutes (sort of).

At one stage Stan had a bunch kids climbing all over him and got pushed under and tasted the water. YUK! Nicole made sure to take a photo of his face.

Here is a short video of the fun.