Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Evening ride in Angkor Wat complex

It is getting so hot now we're having to go for an afternoon swim every few days to cool down. After swimming we will often go for a ride around the temples at sunset. You may find this video interesting as it gives you an idea of what we drive around.

It starts as we get to the moat around Angkor Wat. We then head north from Angkor Wat to Angkor Thom, the huge ancient Cambodian city. You can see us drive under the enormous gates. We then stop to watch some monkeys. They are trying to drink some water from a plastic bottle. We then see Bayon, the temple with many faces. After Bayon we go past the elephant terrace where they found the statue of the leper king. From here we go past a number of temples in the jungle. Finally we reach a large swimming pool that was built for one person to use (the king) and we watch the sunset over the swimming pool.

I suggest you watch in full screen and 1080P if your internet can handle it. Enjoy!

Watch on youtube here: