Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Funny things we see on the road

As we drive about on our little moto, we come across some very strange sights. Not all of these were taken by us. Some are shared via facebook or other forums. We have seen most of these as we drive around.

We wish we had a gopro so we could record things as we drive around. Then you too could experience the
terror of a huge bus hurtling towards you at 100 km per hour in your lane with no where to turn.

When driving in Cambodia, you must remember only one thing! Every bus on the road is trying to kill you. Most trucks are too, but they are usually too overloaded to go too fast leaving you enough time to get out of the way. A bus, however, seems to actively hunt you down. We saw a bus accident which had ploughed through a tuk tuk. It was horrific. We hope to never see that again.

We followed these guys for 1 km unable to overtake as they trailed some steel behind the bike.

Not a big load by local standards, but we always imagine it dropping on us as we follow behind.

Near hospitals and clinics we often see people riding down the road holding an IV bottle over their heads as they don't want to wait in the clinic. The first is a photo we took, the second photo is not ours.

This is not a photo we took, but something you can very occasionally see in Siem Reap. Even the locals will stop and stare.

The following photos are not ours, but I have included them here to show you the kinds of things we pass on a daily basis.

We'll try and (safely) take some photos of what we see on the road here. I think the new google glass product would be great for this. (Google glass has, among other things, a voice activated camera attached to a pair of sunglasses.)

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