Thursday, June 30, 2011

Those who wanted to help out

Some of you have written me asking whether you could help out with gifts or donations for the orphanage. There are a couple of ways you can. If you like, you can transfer money to our bank account (email sberends(at) for the ebanking details), or you may be able to send some things with Matt, Maree, Ana and Simon when they go to Thailand (we'll meet them there), or with Bill and Henny Berends when they come to Siem Reap in August. I am not sure how much room any of them will have though.

If you send us money, we'll donate the equivalent amount in US dollars to them (After all the costs for withdrawing money, it comes to roughly AU$1=US$1. You can choose to give your money to a specific purpose if you like. You can also email us a photo and we'll give them that so they know who the money comes from. We'll also email you a photo of your receipt.

Here is some of their needs:

Here are a few more pictures of the orphanage:
This is their kitchen when looking down from their large bedroom area.

This is their dining room (you can see the kitchen in the bottom left).

Looking from the dining room to the back fence. You can see their bathroom as well.

Looking from the garden back to the house. You can just make out the desks in Stan's classroom above the blue chair.

Here is the sign we paid for. It seems to help as we had a family who was passing by stop in and donate a suitcase of old toys.

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